Integration of ESG factors is an important part of Nezu's investment process. In effort to protect value for clients, we are committed to ongoing efforts in analysing and managing climate-related risks effectively through our investment management processes. Nezu also advocate more responsible and sustainable behaviour regarding climate change through investment stewardship activities.
Systematic ESG analysis is performed on a monthly basis using data from ESG data providers. Reports are distributed to ESG board members and any identified ESG-related issues will be discussed. Issues and their respective status and progress are updated in an ESG log accessible to all committee members.
ESG board meetings are held quarterly to review the status and progress of efforts to manage climate-related risks.
Nezu takes ESG into consideration when engaging investees and exercising proxy voting rights. We question companies who do not have a policy to reduce carbon emissions.
Governance Structure
The ESG Committee at Nezu provides overall direction on the management of sustainability issues and ESG risks, and reviews current ESG framework at least annually. The Committee is comprised of Investment, Risk Management and Operations team members.Systematic ESG analysis is performed on a monthly basis using data from ESG data providers. Reports are distributed to ESG board members and any identified ESG-related issues will be discussed. Issues and their respective status and progress are updated in an ESG log accessible to all committee members.
ESG board meetings are held quarterly to review the status and progress of efforts to manage climate-related risks.
Investment Management and Risk Management
Nezu's investment team has incorporated ESG factors into their fundamental research and analysis processes. ESG data are accessible by the investment team through our data provider. Regular ESG analyses are run and made available to the team for monitoring ESG related risks in their portfolios. These analyses are also reviewed by the ESG Committee to assess any material climate related risk.Nezu takes ESG into consideration when engaging investees and exercising proxy voting rights. We question companies who do not have a policy to reduce carbon emissions.
Portfolio Emission Data

Data as of 31 Oct 2022
Data source: Goldman Sachs Marquee, Bloomberg, FactSet